The buildings occupying the development date back to the 1800’s, and survived the devastating tornado outbreak of 1953 which damaged much of the cityscape. The development includes a bank building as well as a theater, both of which contributed to the heartbeat of Waco for decades. Teamed with a potential tenant operator, Workplace Studio was contracted for design and consulting services to develop a coworking location. When the tenant moved on, Sorrells & Co. brought in Workplace Studio’s sister company to manage the operation and develop as a 25N Coworking brand.
Workplace Studio refreshed the space plan to align with the 25N brand and standards. It was a goal of the project team to maintain architectural elements and incorporate them into the design as well as highlight historic features while making it a functional space for people to work.
View looking out towards Austin Avenue
Meeting room with original brick preserved
Original brick preserved and integrated into design
Workplace Studio’s goal with every 25N project is to not only implement their standards into every project, but to cultivate a local experience and align with the architecture of the individual property.
Workplace Studio took the project from conception to doors open, and still manages adds moves and changes on an ongoing basis through our facility management team.
Murals maintained and integrated into meeting room design
Original building clock